Student Enterprise

Enterprise Name: Adorn Me Jewellery

School Name: Waterpark College

Industry: Retail

Business Email Address:

Business Description:

We are Adorn Me Jewellery, a business ran by 4 students in Transition Year. We make home-made affordable bracelets. We sell these bracelets to our peers inside and outside of school. We make single bracelets, aswell as pairs and threes. We take requests if people are looking for a certain kind.

Online Address: 

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Waterford LEO

The Local Enterprise Office Waterford has been running the Student Enterprise Programme for over 20 years. It is an integral and successful part of the services offered by the Office in Waterford.

WSE Programme

The Student Enterprise Programme, an initiative run by the Network of Local Enterprise Offices, is Ireland’s largest and most successful student enterprise programme with over 29,000 second level students taking part each year.

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