Student Enterprise
Enterprise Name: Mi-Cozie
School Name: Ardscoil Na Mara
Industry: Craft
Business Email Address:
Business Description:
‘Mi-cozies’ are cosies (covers) that you put around your bowls in the microwave when you are heating foods or liquids. This prevents you from burning your hands when you take the hot bowl with heated contents out of the microwave and allows you to hold hot bowls in your hands comfortably. We can do large, standard and small cosies but standard cosies are by far our most popular size cosies. Other uses of our product include a cosy for your pot noodles to prevent your hands burning and a cosy for cold bowls or an ice cream tub to prevent your hands getting too cold while holding the bowl.
Online Address:

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Waterford LEO
The Local Enterprise Office Waterford has been running the Student Enterprise Programme for over 20 years. It is an integral and successful part of the services offered by the Office in Waterford.
WSE Programme
The Student Enterprise Programme, an initiative run by the Network of Local Enterprise Offices, is Ireland’s largest and most successful student enterprise programme with over 29,000 second level students taking part each year.