Student Enterprise
Enterprise Name: Simply Sweet
School Name: St. Augustine’s College
Industry: Food
Business Email Address:
Business Description:
For our TY business we have decided to sell sweets at our TY Christmas Fair. Our sweets will come straight off Musgraves shelves which provide both us and the costumers with a wide range of choice. We will vary the price a little as we will offer 1 and 2 euro mixes which will already be prepared as well as the usual pick and mix which allows the costumer choose exactly what they would like. Finally at the end of the fair any sweets which are left over and have not been bought will be put into a raffle. Each raffle strip will be priced at 3 euro which is very affordable in my opinion. This way we are not wasting any food.
Online Address:

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Waterford LEO
The Local Enterprise Office Waterford has been running the Student Enterprise Programme for over 20 years. It is an integral and successful part of the services offered by the Office in Waterford.
WSE Programme
The Student Enterprise Programme, an initiative run by the Network of Local Enterprise Offices, is Ireland’s largest and most successful student enterprise programme with over 29,000 second level students taking part each year.