

Student Enterprise Enterprise Name: Mi-Cozie School Name: Ardscoil Na Mara Industry: Craft Business Email Address: micozies23@gmail.com Business Description: ‘Mi-cozies’ are cosies (covers) that you put around your bowls in the microwave when you are heating foods or...
2 Life Towels

2 Life Towels

Student Enterprise Enterprise Name: 2 Life Towels School Name: Ardscoil Na Mara Industry: Craft Business Email Address: twolifetowels@gmail.com Business Description: For our business we are repurposing old towels and turning them into towel robes. We can sell you a...
Sticky Slimes

Sticky Slimes

Student Enterprise Enterprise Name: Sticky Slimes School Name: Mercy Secondary School Industry: Craft Business Email Address: stickyslimes@gmail.com Business Description: For our Ty enterprise we are going to be selling home made slimes in all different colours and...
Dreams Making Jewellery

Dreams Making Jewellery

Student Enterprise Enterprise Name: Dreams Making Jewellery School Name: Mercy Secondary School Industry: Jewllery Business Email Address: sarahfurner@student.mercywaterford.com Business Description: Creative, fun and trendy Online Address:...
SDS Jewellery

SDS Jewellery

Student Enterprise Enterprise Name: SDS Jewellery School Name: St. Augustine’s College Industry: Jewllery Business Email Address: sdsjewellery123@gmail.com  Business Description: We are selling bracelets, phone charms and necklaces Online Address:...